Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I wasn't feeling especially beautiful or attractive today. I was just kind of...there, and I felt ok. But my friend, at the end of the day, out of no where, turned to me and said, "Wow, you look good today." And he laughed and said, "Sorry, I just barely noticed." What a really nice way to end a rather bland school day. I couldn't stop smiling to myself. So I told him thank you.


Blogger Kates said...

haha...well, you should've been happy! That comment coming from HIM?!? love the boy, and he is really good at giving out sincere complimens...when he actually notices! lol It means 10 times more coming from him because it takes so much for him to notice!

3:58 PM  
Blogger 9c said...

Haha, girl, I was happy! Wait...what are you talking about...? I "should've been happy"...now I'm confused...ahhh

4:08 PM  

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